Automatically encrypt your ASP.NET Web.Config sections at runtime

Today I will show you how to encrypt the web.config settings in your production server at runtime.
Take a look at the EncryptConfig snippet below.  This will encrypt the connectionStrings, system.web/sessionState, and appSettings section of the web.config
 Private Sub EncryptConfig()  
     '1. Open the Web.Config for editing  
     Dim cfg As System.Configuration.Configuration = _  
     '2. Add the configuration sections that you want to encrypt  
     Dim lSections As New Generic.List(Of String)  
     With lSections  
     End With  
     '3. Iterate each sections in the list that we added and encrypt it using DataProtectionConfigurationProvider  
     Dim section As ConfigurationSection  
     For Each s As String In lSections  
       section = cfg.GetSection(s)  
       If (Not section.SectionInformation.IsProtected) Then  
       End If  
     '4. Save it!!   
   End Sub  

We will then call this code in the Application_Start of the Global.asax file. This is the best place to put it since it is always triggered every time you update your web.config and run your page.
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  
 End Sub  

However, this will always be triggered even if it is hosted in your development environment.  We have to make sure that the EncryptConfig will only run in your production server.

Let’s assume that my production server’s computer name is XXX01:
 Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)  
     If My.Computer.Name.Contains("XXX01") Then
     End If  
 End Sub  

You may be tempted to use Request.Url to check if it is running on your live site but unfortunately, Request object is not available yet in the Application_Start scope.

This is how your connectionStrings section will look like when you update your web.config and restart your application.
  <connectionStrings configProtectionProvider="DataProtectionConfigurationProvider">  
  ... other sections here  
  ... other sections here  

I would suggest that you keep a local copy of your production site’s config file.



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