3D Printing : a new kind of piracy?

I just watched a video on YouTube showing how to physically copy and reproduce a wrench (the tool that is used by plumbers like Super Mario) by just using a 3D printer. 

This paradigm-shifting technology triggered a lot of interest from hobbyist, home makers, and even hackers.  It will enable you to  reproduce anything you want; from bolts and nuts, to chess pieces and toy parts (imagine not having to worry about losing your Lego parts?).

Lego Car

In the very near future, this technology, just like our pc, this will be available in each individual's home. This might help speed up our technological innovations and evolution.  Creating prototypes of your inventions can now easily be done at the comfort of your "home lab" a.k.a. garage or basement.

While 3D printer in each home looks promising, some people are wary of its effect.  What will happen to our manufacturing industry? Will they still survive if everyone can create their own phone casing or clothes hanger?  How about 3D printing a gun? What will be it's impact on our society? Since this is a form of copying, will it also be categorized an act piracy. 

Just like paper printers, CD maker machines, bit torrent, smart phones, and even nuclear power reactor, I just hope that we use all these technology for the good of our society.


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